Astoria Lodging House

The Lodgers




Administrative Links

In Character Rules
  • Curfew is 12 o'clock. (standard statment that is only enforced during times of crisis)
  • If you must drink, don't get caught (New York City was under prohibition by 1905 and although most people didn't follow such laws there were still strict consequences)
  • There is no rent. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise. They will try.
  • Keep the violence outside

Out of Character Rules

  • Your job is to stay active. There will be chats as often as possible: special holiday events when we can muster them and nightly chats...well nightly. If there are conflicts it will be understood, but do try and show up as often as possible. It's help for the next rule.
  • Write bleeding stories.
  • Respect your leaders, respect everyone else in the house, their idea, their plots, their characters. Disrespect in highly intolerable. And gossiping little prats will be kicked we're not kidding.
  • Keep the violence outside. (OOC fights are no fun for anyone.)
  • What is said IC is different than OOC. Some characters will fight, naturally, so please don't try to take offense they aren't trying to be personally mean to you as a person. However, if a topic IC makes you uncomfortable please try and talk to this person.
  • Okay, lastly...If you plagarize you will be shot. It is against the law.



This page was created by the vastly powerful Halves (so aptly named by Michael). The coding and HTML were designed by Amy. Please contact The Rachel-Half or The Amy-Half with any questions, comments, or concerns.