Welcome to the Girls' Bunkroom!
*A room with twenty beds each made up with emerald green bedspreads
lies in front of you. Next to each bed is a nightstand, coloured
with chipping white paint, with an oil lamp on it. On the closest
bunk is a small, mostly gray calico kitten is curled up tightly*
*to your suprise the girl who welcomed you has followed you
up the stairs*
Annette: *waves her hand around* And here is the bunkroom.
If you stay in the house this is where you usually sleep. Unless
you'd perfer to sleep somewhere else, in which case I can't
help you.
*you nod* *this is just fine*
Annette: That's good, and there isn't too much you need
to know. Make your bed, and try and keep things in decent order.
*gestures around again* I do a lot of housework, but make things
easy on me and I won't be forced to go through your belongings.
*throws open a door at one end of the room* There's the balcony.
And I must warn you, if there is any Romeo and Juliet re-enactment,
Nat will probably push you off the balcony. *nods to the other
side of the room* She's somewhere over there, but so is Brian,
so I wouldn't look if I were you.