Leyla Tazewell
* waltzes into the room and takes a seat at the desk* Good afternoon, my name's
Annette *smiles at the new face seated nearby* *picks up a paper from on top
of the massive mess on the desk* Now, just a few questions and you get to go
on your way. Don't make this into a disagreeable experience, okay? *nods decisively*
Let's start at the beginning. What's your name? I'd appreciate your full given
name, *looks up expectantly* you know, first and last:
*bends over and whispers into the ear of a young boy sitting
on her lap* *helps the young boy down* *points to the corner*
Go Dickon *speaks with a subtle English accent* play over
there, Ill be done in a little while. *watches closely as
the boy runs off* My sincere apologies, I did not mean to
delay you. *bows her head slightly* *avoids eye contact
with Annette completely* I am, what I mean to say is, that,
my name is Leyla. *pauses* Leyla Tazewell *speaks slowly,
stumbling over her words* *is troubled by the question since
she was once married and is now unsure as to which last
name to take* |
*nods* Alright *scribbles the name and a few stick figures on the paper* *snatches
it out of view* Do you have a name of sorts that you'd rather be called? *to
herself* I prefer my real name, but hey, to each his own. *looks over with a
bemused smile on her face* And, how'd you get that particular nickname?:
At one point I had a nickname, but only Daniel addressed
me by it. *shakes her head* It's unimportant, really, I'd
prefer it if you just called me Leyla. *quickly and shyly
flashes a polite smile* *makes eye contact for no more than
a milli-second before focusing on her hands which lay delicately
in her lap* |
*smirks* Cute, real cute *snickers a little* So, how old are ya, huh? And on
what day will you be turning a another year older?:
I'm currently 19 years old, my birthday having just passed.
I won't be 20 until December 25th rolls around again. *looks
up but not at Annette* *rises half way out of her chair*
Are you alright Cherub? I'm almost done, promise! *says
this loudly compared to her usually soft and delicate voice*
*takes her seat once more keeping her eyes focused on Dickon* |
*raises her eyebrows* That's a decent time of year *casts a furitive glance
at out the window* So, now where were we? *looks over the paper, now riddled
with stick figures and curly handwriting* Oh, yes, your looks. *nods* Now, don't
give me a hard time, just tell me what you look like. *puts her pen to the paper
expectantly* You know, like eye and hair colour, height, and all that other
stuff. Pretend I'm blind, okay?:
Oh, well, alright. I'll start with the most difficult
I guess. I'm not really sure of how tall I am, but I'd guess
around 5 feet 6 maybe 7 inches. My hair is as black as black
can get except for a few gray hairs here and there *sighs*
*is not enjoying talking about herself* Um, what else was
there? Oh yes, my eyes are green. *quickly shuts up glad
that she is finished answering* *has charcoal black hair
highlighted with a silvery strand here and there due to
the stress she puts on her own shoulders* *her hair is also
chin length, straight, and shiny* *is the owner of large
jade green eyes that are partially hidden under heavy eyelids*
*has a smooth and creamy beige complexion* *has indistinct
and delicate Asian features that leave most who look at
her in question of her ethnicity* *usually wears a long
brown skirt with a vertically striped button down shirt* |
*raises eyebrows* Sure, if that's what you say.*shakes head in disbelief* What's
your personality like? *looks you over* i mean, are you mean, nice, whatever?
How're you going to get along here?:
*Sighs* *doesn't want to talk about herself any more than
she already has* I guess I'm nice but you'd have to ask
others to know for sure I suppose. *is very friendly and
caring* *puts others before herself a tad bit too often,
never refusing to help someone when they ask her for favors*
*is also extremely shy and takes a great deal of time to
open up* *is easy to get along with and very gentle* |
*sighs* Got'cha, you really think that, eh? *draw a little more on the paper*
Everyone gets mad about this one, but if you give me a hard time, I will not
hesitate to hurt you. *narrows eyes* How'd you get here and what your story?
Enthrall me.:
Well, there's not much to tell really. Not anything interesting
anyway. *looks over at an open window before glancing over
at the young boy* You sure you're alright Dickon? Are you
being careful? *smiles at the little boy before refocusing
her attention on answering the question* I'm sorry, really.
Where were we again? Oh yes, my life, well, four years ago
my mother died while giving birth to my brother, that little
Cherub over there *nods over at the little boy* *speaks
a little softer as well as slower* My father commited suicide
shortly after and we were left with close to nothing. *looks
around the room nervously while twiddling her thumbs* I
thought it best to get both myself and Dickon away from
England and all the memories and so we came here, to start
out new lives in America. I hate to admit that upon arriving
I considered leaving Dickon at an orphanage but when we
discovered he was a hemophiliac. I couldn't bare to leave
him there with no one to watch him carefully and closely.
*is a good enough actress to make this all sound convincing*
*in reality both of her parents are alive and well living
in England* *hates to admit that she was a dishonor to the
family and disowned because of her pregnancy with Dickon
at the age of 15* *married the father of her baby seeing
it as the proper thing to do and hoping her family would
accept her once again**after less than a year of an abusive
relationship he fled leaving her to care for their hemophiliac
son* *ashamed of being disowned by her family and abandoned
by her husband she fled to America where she tells anyone
and everyone who asks a well thought out fib* |
*clasps hands and grins evilly* My favorite! *giggles* So, who are the people
in your life? Family, friends *snickers* boyfriends? *looks up happily* Tell
me everything.:
No, I have no one but Dickon, I thought that was clear
*gets nervous and aggravated when asked so many questions
about he personal life* |
Well, we've come to the last question. *nods* Then I can go out to the candy
shop and get myself a phosphate *looks out the window again* So, anything else
we oughta know about you?:
No, I'm quite sure we've covered everything *lowers her
head slightly* Thank you for your time.